Combining the salty goodness to delicious salted nuts with the savory sweetness of luxury kosher wine, the Nut and Wine Cart contains delicious assorted flavor nuts paired with our kosher house wine which is the Mogen David Concord Wine. It can be upgraded to any kosher wine of your choice.
NUTS - Hogtown Eats Assorted Nut Super Pack
WINE CART - Small Square Wooden Wine Cart
This Kosher wine gift basket includes a bottle of Kosher red wine which can be upgraded if you wish – Mogen David Concord KP. This 100% Kosher wine may be upgraded to any of the wines from our extensive wine collection, including several upgrade options at zero additional cost. Additional bottles of wine, champagne, liquor or beer may be added as well to make this great wine gift even better. Your gift recipient will love this wine!